Suitable for those who have previously completed The Mindfully Happy Method or MBCT or MBSR training.
Perfect for those wanting to take their practice to a deeper level.
This course can be taken 1-1 Online over Zoom and Tailored to your needs and expereince.
I absolutely LOVE teaching this course, we dive deeper into meditation to explore our own understanding of self and the nature of reality and work to develop a strong sense of grounding. Our main prerequisite is a keen desire or intention to know more about who you really are. This course is a culmination of years of study I’ve undertaken into Zen practices and I am incredibly excited to be bringing you this material, suitable for those who have completed a previous course with me or alternatively an MBCT or MBSR.
Here we explore the origins of mindfulness and ancient practices from a modern viewpoint, this course is about finding our own way, our own truth, and this course is open to all who are ready, with nothing in particular to believe in...
Over the 6 weeks we will explore a variety of topics including:
• The mental effects of meditation
• Introduction to grounding and energy-work
• Living at an elevated level of function
• Stages of insight into self-understanding - knowing who you really are
The meditation techniques that we cover include:
• Fusho - your unborn mind
• Meditating with a Koan (a statement or question used to point at the true nature of reality)
• Healing with soft ointment
• Cultivating and energising your hara (belly) and legs
• Energy transformation
1-1 Training directly with Frances over Zoom. This 'Next Step Course' is adapted to your needs over 6 sessions at a time to suit you. Plus an additional 'Dyad' session
1-1 Training is an investment of £899
Should you need to pay in instalments just contact us directly to arrange.
6 x 1-1 sessions on Zoom
Dates & times to be booked directly:
To complete your booking please also fill out registration form below.